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Volunteer Opportunities

PDC is governed by an elected Board of Directors and operates with board members, office staff, instructors, and committees.  Volunteer support is essential to the operations of Phoenix Dance Cooperative.


There are many ways for dancer families and community members to volunteer at PDC.  We invite you to join us at an event or join a committee.

Volunteer Events

This list includes studio fundraising and community outreach events.

Additional events may be added throughout the year.

Tempe Boo Bash, Fall
Volunteer to staff the PDC table at the event to promote the studio.

Light Up Ahwatukee, Winter
Volunteer to staff the PDC table at the event to promote the studio.

PDC Garage Sale, Winter
Volunteer for set up, clean up, and/or assisting with the sale days.

God’s Garden Transportation Day, Winter
Volunteer to staff the PDC table at the event to promote the studio.

Ahwatukee Spring Fling, Spring
Volunteer to staff the PDC table at the event to promote the studio.

Join a Committee

We need volunteers to join PDC committees and contribute to studio operations and growth. 

This committee is responsible for studio maintenance, improvements, and props for the Company and Pre-Company teams. The committee also supervises studio use that is outside of scheduled classes.  

Fundraising and Community Outreach
This committee coordinates fundraising and community activities for studio exposure to recruit new dancers. These activities include, but are not limited to, football squares, competition meals, yard sale, and spring fling. Committee members may volunteer to lead and/or participate in one of the fundraising or community events. Additional volunteers may be recruited to assist with these activities.

This committee is responsible for all recital logistics, themes, marketing, and coordinating most fundraising activities that are associated with it. 

Scholarships, Grants, and Awards
This committee is responsible for securing scholarships, grants, and awards. The committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding guidelines for the disbursement of funds for dancer scholarships. 

Soul Shock Hospitality
This committee coordinates activities for the Soul Shock competitive dance team including team build events and the annual banquet.   Only open for Soul Shock families.

© 2024 Phoenix Dance Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.

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